a dozen paint chips taped to the wall
Claudine says: hi!
Laura says: awwwwwwe!
Laura says: sorry couldn't get the old folk to go to bed
Claudine says: so how are you
Laura says: back in Belgium...and trying hard not to be depressed about it...I had a really good trip, but was spoiled--too much time with young and interesting people and /or friends...which means being here seems all the more dreary and old..
Laura says: how are you
Claudine says: ok
Claudine says: i think it was very cruel of your hockey friends to say that the season was off and then for a whole day to say that it was back on
Laura says: yeah...strange though since I was completely ignorant of the fact until they had called it off again
Laura says: It's not a good sign
Claudine says: you would feel at home in our apartment now since we have a dozen paint chips taped to the wall in the bathroom
Laura says: someone will have to be fired before they resolve it i think
Laura says: excellent!!!!!!
Laura says: :D
Claudine says: i finally got an idea for what to do in there
Laura says: yes....
Laura says: I’m on the edge of my seat
Laura says:
Claudine says: sorry... eating cheerios
Laura says: that's the idea?
Laura says: although...I can see it...a little avante garde
Laura says: something to think about in the shower
Claudine says: i'm going to get a ton of those clip frames in various sizes and arrange them on the wall
Claudine says: and put tons of travel pictures in them (some of your
Claudine says: so I’m going to paint the walls either gray or tannish
Laura says: very cool
Claudine says: so that the colors from the pictures stand out
Claudine says: i actually wanted to ask you if you knew what a good price would be for those frames
Laura says: I got all mine from Ikea...they sell them in 4 packs and 2 packs. that's the best price I've seen, usually like 4 or 5 bucks for a set. But the sizes are a little strange sometimes...though it never really bothered me ...and I know you can matte
Claudine says: i found them at one place $3 for 4by6; $4 for 5by7
Claudine says: thanks, i'll definitely look at ikea
Claudine says: i figured most of the pictures i'd print out so i don't have to worry about the moisture so much so i can play around with the size too
Claudine says: at organized living they have 4by6 to 11by14 so i thought it would be interesting to have a mix, blake was thinking it could almost look like the walls are tiled
Laura says: very good idea, I like it more than the eating cheerios idea
Laura says: (by the way...what are you five?)
Laura says: what will you use to attach them to the walls?
Claudine says: i had a muffin for lunch and was getting very hungry, my office mate gave them to me, beggars cant be choosy
Claudine says: still up in the air
Laura says: ok...understand the begging part
Claudine says: i don't know if it would be easier to attach wood strips and attach them to that or just nail them all in the walls are a wreck anyways so it doesn't really matter if there are a hundred nail holes
Claudine says: we've also been talking about wallpapering the bed room but we'll wait for you for that
Laura says: can you get the nails in there?
Claudine says: sure, the tile is only halfway up
Laura says: I was thinking the plaster I guess.
Claudine says: no, the plaster's fine
Laura says: It is easier when it's a rental. I have this series of six prints from
Laura says: the wood strips I'm thinking will end up anno0ying you--and limit your scattering ability on the placement of the photos
Claudine says: i would just do it, if you get picture hangers the nails are really small and (therefore) don't make big holes and then you can just putty them the next time you paint
Laura says: weird quacking goose in the back yard...
Claudine says: (the leuven pictures)
Laura says: good point
Laura says: I used those in the apartment
Claudine says: they have ones that supposedly hold up to 150 pounds which seems impossible
Claudine says: how long are you in
Laura says: yeah, I remember seeing that. They do work well, and can definitely hold a picture frame
Laura says: this time probably about a week...I have a few little things to take care of...try to apply for a 2nd passport, get a tax extension, figure out how to renew my drivers license
Claudine says: by boss is away until tuesday so i'm very IM-able
Laura says: excellent!
Claudine says: i think it's easy to get a tax extension especially if they owe you money
Claudine says: let me know if you need me to make any calls
Laura says: It's a nill-nill thing. I just have to file the papers
Laura says: Thank you.
Laura says: Could you call Stan Fishler who hasn't entered the new age of conversations by e-mail?
Claudine says: and he's ....
Laura says: He may have an agent willing to look at my hockey book idea...but asked me to call first
Laura says: has he any idea?!
Claudine says: sure
Claudine says: i have to run to a drs appointment though... will you be on tomorrow? (not later right it's already midnight)
Laura says: yeah...I was about to say I have to go to bed...
Laura says: perfect timing.
Laura says: Definitely tomorrow though!
Claudine says: great, i will be on all day :)
Claudine says: have a good night
Laura says: sanooo!
Claudine says: sanoo!
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