Tuesday, March 29, 2005

bunny head cake...mmmmmm

Laura says: man, I actaully get here and you´re gone...'

Claudine says: hello?

Laura says: sanoooooo

Laura says: oh, come on!

Claudine says: hello?

Laura says: yay!

Laura says: hi

Claudine says: hi

Claudine says: sorry

Laura says: how are you...how was easter

Laura says: I know, job and all

Laura says: terribly dull

Claudine says: i just got here but i'd forgotten to sign out yesterday

Claudine says: because i rushed out to get my towed car from the lot

Laura says: oh, sorry...

Claudine says: easter was nice

Claudine says: we all went to daisy's

Laura says: morning off...or what time is it...day light savings has me all confused

Claudine says: it is 8:50

Claudine says: am

Laura says: it can´t be

Laura says: it´s ten to five here...

Laura says: oh wait, we had day light savings on Sunday and I am in Finland one time zone over

Laura says: I was wondering why I had no responses

Laura says: That sounds really nice

Laura says: a new flag for this year?

Claudine says: ?

Laura says: isn´t there usually an Easter flag?

Claudine says: at daisy's

Claudine says: she has one of those wind sock things by the front door

Claudine says: i did get a bunny head shaped baking pan and easter cookie cutters

Laura says: that´s more like it

Claudine says: and round tiered cake pans, you know to make a wedding cake

Laura says: bunny head cake...mmmmmm

Laura says: great, you make bake my wedding cake too

Claudine says: and a pan to make an enormous sheet cake

Laura says: but only if it includes bunny head

Claudine says: i don't know where she got the idea that soon i will be feeding 150 people cake in my apartment...

Laura says: I guess she´s preparing you for those barefoot and pregnant days just around the corner

Laura says: you´ll need to fill your time somehow

Claudine says: funny

Laura says: ooo-eee, I just got another assignment ...a 300-word playoff summary...which silly enough, will be based on the same Web shit that anyone can read, but I´m not complaining

Laura says: actually, I have to log off here--I´m on a limited time computer, but I need to get a longer term one...I´ll be back in a little bit...you can get your coffee in the meantime

Claudine says: ok


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