Thursday, January 27, 2005

oh, you're Afweig en antwoordt wellicht niet

Laura says: ha-ha

Claudine says: were you just noticing my picture?

Laura says: i was imagining the angry pineapple lady

Claudine says: ahh, i closed our screen so forgot where we were

Laura says: sorry

Laura says: dinner was nice, but i'm ready for a break. We get to this point in the dinner conversation over the most annoyingly inane things in which the same argument is repeated again and again. tonight it was how to cure hiccups and whether Mc or Mac was Scottish.

Laura says: Silent Finns will be better for a bit

Claudine says: that’s funny

Laura says: not if you had to sit through it

Laura says: it sounds cute...until it's the 5th dinner in a row like that

Claudine says: no, picturing you sitting through it is funny

Laura says: hey, you're supposed to be the nice one!

Claudine says: it's really just an act

Laura says: yeah sure

Laura says: pushover

Claudine says: 8o

Laura says: (A)

Laura says: don't you mean

Claudine says: (A) of course

Laura says: :)

Laura says: I wish I was rich and could stay at $200 a night hotels in the airport

Laura says: and that's a "Web deal"

Laura says: !

Laura says: oh, you're Afweig en antwoordt wellicht niet

Claudine says: 8-)

Laura says: ah, back

Claudine says: does this "Afweig en antwoordt wellicht niet" mean "away"

Laura says: I think ...away so may not respond" I guess I'm not allowed to complain about a really long day tomorrow--up before 6, flight at 8:45 am a day in Denmark before my flight leaves for Finland at 11 pm

Claudine says: no i don't think so

Laura says: hmmm...thanks

Laura says: it'll be a really long day though

Claudine says: aww

Claudine says: aren't you sad that you're missing the valentine's day skating party at wolman rink?

Laura says: :$

Laura says: actually, yes. i like being your Valentine date. And with all the snow in will be so beautiful

Claudine says: oh sorry this year they're calling it : our Family Valentine's Party on Ice

Laura says: gee that's not cheesy. with my fabulous complexion--if I hid the new wrinkles--I bet we could be taken as seniors again

Laura says: I do miss not being able to see NY all snowy

Claudine says: it is nice, it really doesn’t need to be this cold though

Laura says: true, true

Laura says: try think of the beauty as your face feels like it is about to fall off

Laura says: I'm going to miss our chats--I'll have to use the library in Finland...but I'll try send some e-mails

Claudine says: me too

Claudine says: how long is this trip?

Laura says: two weeks in Finland

Laura says: then four nights in Stockholm (Sweden Hockey Games tournament--should be fun, plus I found a room to rent for just $30 a night--my own room!

Laura says: then I am going to kill three nights in Malmo because I'm a sucker for self-inflicted pain...and actually i like the city, would like to write something on the library and this big new twisty building and Judy Bollaci's cousin lives there...and maybe I'll get to play hockey

Laura says: then seven nights in the UK--5 with Kim and Carolyn

Laura says: a little less that 4 weeks

Claudine says: wow, that’s a lot in less than 4 weeks

Laura says: well, compared to my last attempt it's mild--I have two straight weeks at my friends place to start off with, (probably throw in a side trip too though) ... three nights is the least I'll stay in one place.

Laura says: I hope it's not too much. Joske reminded me that if it's too much i should just come back. Mothering is instinctual with her

Laura says: how many days in February this year? and in March? and April?

Laura says: never mind

Laura says: hey, I'm going to head up to bed...a few last-min packing things, read some harry potter to clear my mind...I'll try find IM on the road!

Claudine says: i would be exhausted only staying three nights in one place

Claudine says: but i guess you're a professional so, Well have a great trip

Laura says: well, I'm stir-crazy here, so it's a good start

Claudine says: i'll keep an eye out for you

Laura says: yeah...real pro

Laura says: cool...enjoy the winter weather!

Claudine says: had to get that in

Laura says: :D